The Members First team will always put you first!

  • We will fight for higher wages and better benefits.

  • We will build our union and use that strength to deliver more for members.

  • We will work day and night to engage with members and listen to your concerns.

  • We will work for you with integrity, honesty and. transparency.


The Members First slate is running united as one team because together we want to make things better for you, the members of our union. 

14 months ago Jack Caffey and Roger Grobstich were asked by our parent union to come in and fix Local 1102. The local was in trouble and needed new leadership to ensure the union functioned properly. Over the last 14 months the Members First team have been delivering for the members of Local 1102.

Jack Caffey, Roger Grobstich, Eileen Crosby and the Members First team have built an impressive record of achievement.  Together we’ve…

  • Won strong new contracts: This past year members are winning the largest wage and benefit improvements some have ever seen. 

  • Organized new members: Local 1102 has the largest membership since before the pandemic, and we’re continuing to look for new ways to grow so we’re stronger at the bargaining table and beyond.

  • Strengthened the unions finances: Local 1102 is in the best financial shape it’s been in, in years and we plan to keep finding ways to better use our resources to give back to the membership in ways that count. 

  • Improved the unions health & pension plans: Our health plan now has NO Deductibles and our pension benefits have been increased. Members health and wellbeing while they’re working and in retirement is at the center of every contract.  

  • Communication with leadership and staff: Our Local 1102 leaders and staff are going the extra mile to be connect with and be responsive and available to all members.

  • Growing servicing: Together, we’ve modernized the local’s operations saving money and helping all our staff be more efficient and responsive to members however it’s easiest for them to reach us day or night.